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Safety Awareness Glasgow

Safety Awareness Glasgow
18 Orkney St
Glasgow City
G51 2BX

Contact Information
Please contact us as below;
0141 374 2183

About Safety Awareness Glasgow

A​ safe society is a prosperous society. Safety Awareness Glasgow is an unincorporated charity, we provide basic health and safety awareness sessions through workshops and events covering issues. We deliver targeted sport and physical activity progra

Starting life in a new country comes with its own challenges, especially when there is a language barrier in place, or someone has not lived in an urban environment before.

Safety Awareness Glasgow (SAG) was set up in 2015 to educate, encourage and support vulnerable individual, and organisations in Glasgow about health and safety.

We are a community and people-led organisation that aims to promote safety and the general wellbeing of people in our community.

We wish to help new Glaswegians settling into life in life in Scotland with a range of issues include cyber safety, climate-change awareness, personal safety, and more. Those we help might not know how to dial 999 or could be accessing social media for the first time, and so we wish to give them the knowledge they need to navigate these new areas successfully.

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