Women on Wheels

Posted: Fri, 30 Sep 2022 09:50

Women on Wheels

Women on Wheels a new cycling charity was launched on International Women's Day in March 2022, founded by Shgufta Anwar. A Glasgow based community cycling hub led and designed by women, who provide strong role models enabling and empowering other women to get involved in cycling and breaking down any perceived barriers they may have to getting involved in sport and physical activity.

"WOMEN ON WHEELS will not stop until seeing a woman on a bike is the norm and not the exception". Shgufta Anwar

The Charity deliver a wide range of services including learn to ride, led rides, a bike buddy scheme to encourage more women to commute by bike, bike hire, social events and maintenance classes. Future plans include training provision to other national cycling organisations to enable them to better engage with women and under-represented women ensuring equality, diversity, and inclusivity across the activity.

Baharun Nessa, a recent participant came to Women on Wheels for learn to ride bike lessons after trying another charity. With the support of her trainer, she learnt to ride within one lesson and has since gone on to enjoy a cycle trip to Millport, has purchased a bike, engaged with the bike buddy scheme to learn safe cycle routes to work and just a few days ago she appeared with her nephews wanting to hire bikes for them so they could all enjoy some weekend rides! T

he charity has built a strong experienced Board and have secured funding and support for the project in such a short space of time. The Scottish Governments Women and Girls in Sport week will culminate with a visit to the hub from Cabinet Minister Patrick Harvie MSP on Friday October 7th.

To find out more on how to get involved, please contact www.womenonwheels.org.uk

Tags: Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week, news