Bernie Mitchell - Hillhead Sports Club
Posted: Tue, 23 Nov 2021 09:43
Who could not be inspired by Bernie Mitchell for his dedication and commitment to sport. Actively volunteering at Hillhead Sports Club for over 45 years and previous winner of Glasgow Sport Person of the Year Lifetime achievement Award. A familiar face on the grounds at Hughenden, you will see him 7 days per week, always ready to offer a help hand!
A passionate volunteer who has held nearly every committee role across both Rugby and Cricket and his drive and enthusiasm has been vital to the club's sustainability and development in areas such as volunteer recruitment, partners/schools links and not to mention many successful funding bids and fundraising events
An advocate for women's rugby and instrumental in establishing the women rugby team in 1995 a section and club which went onto win the Sarah Beaney Cup and Scottish League.
If Bernie is not driving the activities of the clubs he is supporting, he is mentoring those who are. The life and soul of Hillhead Sports Club and a true Community Champion!
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