Glasgow Walking and Wheeling Support Package

Applicant Information (1 of 3)

Applicant Information

The Glasgow Walking and Wheeling Support Package will help you establish new Health Walks or increase capacity in existing Health Walks to get more disabled people and/or people from minoritised ethnic communities walking and wheeling longer term.

As part of our package, we can offer various types of assistance such as:

·       Led ‘taster’ walks for your group

·      Walk Leader Training courses tailored to the needs of your group

·      Help and advice to get started such as choosing and planning local routes

·      Funding of up to £400 to remove any barriers to project set up & delivery

·      Support to promote your project (if required)

·      Ongoing support over the course of your project

We welcome applications to join this programme from organisations supporting Disabled people and/or people from minoritised ethnic communities and will prioritise applications for projects that identify a clear need for support.

Prior to completing the application please look over the award guidelines here

Please make sure you answer all questions to help us assess your application.

About You

This should be the organisations primary location.

About Your Organisation

Tell us more about who your activities target and who attends. Do you deliver targeted activities - if so, who are they for? If your activities are mixed and open for all tell us more about who comes along.