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Drumchapel Joggers

195b Drumry Rd E
G15 8NS

Contact Information
Drumchapel Joggers

About Drumchapel Joggers

Drumchapel Joggers provide FREE Couch to 5K programme that helps beginner joggers to build confidence and get you moving more. The volunteers are trained, friendly jog leaders and will suppport you to build activity levels over a number of weeks.

Drumchapel Joggers provide a FREE Couch to 5K programme that helps beginner joggers to build confidence and get you moving more. The volunteers are trained, friendly jog leaders and will suppport you to build activity levels over a number of weeks.

Drumchapel Joggers meet at Drumchapel Sports Centre on Tuesday at 6.30pm where they use the facility for everyone to meet, use the changing rooms, get refreshments and use as a start and finish point for the runs.

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